Who is the Data Controller?

Lucart S.p.A. 

Via Ciarpi, 77 - 55016
Porcari (LU)- Italy
VAT and Tax Code: 00145780466

What are personal data?

All the information linked or can be linked to a natural person.

What common data do we ask you for?

Personal and contact details.

What special data do we ask you for?


Why do we process the data?

1 - Process requests made by the user concerning the distributors of controller's products, as well as those that are normally preparatory and consequential to their handling.

On what legal basis do we process data?

Data Subject’s consent. 

For how long do we process your data? 

24 months from the collection of consent, unless you revoke it or oppose it, which is always possible.
Data may be retained for longer to enable the Data Controller or a third party to defend themselves in court (Art. 24 of the Italian Constitution).

The data you have provided will be destroyed or anonymised after the aforementioned retention period has expired.

Why are you giving your data to the Data Controller?

The requested data is provided voluntarily by the data subject and is an essential requirement for performing the activity referred to in the stated purposes. If not provided, the Data Controller will not be able to provide the service.

To whom will we disclose your data?

The data are processed by the Data Controller by third parties appointed as Data Processors under Art. 28 Reg. EU/2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR") carrying out specific activities (e.g. media relations companies, IT service companies).

The data are communicated to external third parties acting as autonomous Data Controllers (e.g. authorities and supervisory and control bodies law firms and, in general, public or private organisations entitled to request the data).

The complete and up-to-date list of recipients may be requested from the Data Controller at the addresses indicated.

Who is authorised to process your data?

The data are processed by employees of the company for performing the activities described above and who are authorised to process them, have received appropriate operating instructions and are committed to confidentiality.

Do we transfer your data outside the EU?

Data is transferred abroad to non-European countries whose level of data protection has been deemed adequate by the European Commission under Article 45 of the GDPR. If data are transferred to countries outside Europe whose level of data protection has not been deemed adequate by the European Commission, the Standard Clauses following the European Commission dated 5 February 2010 will apply.

Who is the Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

The Data Protection Officer ("DPO") appointed by the Controller under Article 37 et seq. of the GDPR is Ms Diletta Simonetti. You can contact her by e-mail at:

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

As a data subject, you may contact the Data Controller by sending an email to, to ask for access to, or rectification or erasure of, your personal data. You are also entitled to restrict the processing of your data in the cases referred to in Article 18 of the GDPR, and to object to the processing in case of legitimate interests of the Data Controller.

You are entitled to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority of the Member State where you reside or work, or of the Member State where the alleged breach occurred.

You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time about data processed for marketing purposes and to object to the processing of data for such purposes. You can declare a preference to be contacted for the above purposes through conventional means and object to receiving communications only through automated means. 

For more information on your rights, please visit